Query 2
(select Term from Offering where instructor = 'Suzuki') intersect all (select Term from Offering where instructor = 'Jepson');
Query 3
create view High as (select sid from took where grade >= 85);
create view HighAtwood as (select sid from Took, Offering where Took.oid = Offering.oid and instructor = 'Atwood' and grade >= 50);
(select * from high) union (select * from highAtwood);
Query 4
(select term from Offering) except (select term from Offering where dept = 'csc' and cNum = 369);
Query 5
(SELECT oID, 'high' AS results FROM Took GROUP BY oID HAVING avg(grade) >=80) UNION (SELECT oID, 'low' as results FROM Took GROUP by oID HAVING avg(grade) < 60);