Question 1
Given Figure 3.6 on Page 86 of the Textbook and FDs title year star -> length genre studio, and title year -> length genre studio, convert this table into BCNF. Your answer should look like the table in Figure 3.7 on Page 87.
Q2: Page 103/104 - Example 3.27
Given R(A, B, C, D, E) and FDs AB -> C, C -> B, and A -> D. Convert R to 3NF.
Question 3
Given R(A, B, C, D, E) and FDs A -> BC, CD -> E, E -> A, and B -> D. Convert R to BCNF.
Question 4
Given the answer to Question 1, write a relational algebra that gives the information: Genres and Movie Stars but only for movies after 1960.